Thursday, 2 September 2010

What we are up to these days

I know it has been a while since I've updated our blog, but lots has been going on since July. Zion has attempted potty training, of which I did not include pictures so as to maintain his dignity. :) But we are putting that on hold for now. Ugh! I just opened another Costco box of size five diapers for him this week. He is just not ready. He is, however, climbing on anything and everything. I guess that is what boys are born to do. Lots of swimming has been going on. Mostly naked swimming--the best kind for cute babies.

Let's not forget Eden's nose wrinkling-business. So cute with all her recent sassiness. She is also taking steps here and there and is for sure going to be walking full-time soon, which I am not excited about. What am I going to do with two walking kids that want to go opposite directions?

Zion has learned how to wink and has moved from a high chair to the table. It is actually less messy this way! Nice!

Oh, and Eden loves her birthday teddy bear. So sweet. I couldn't resist taking this picture of her napping the other day.
So, there is our life in a nut shell. Looking forward to fall candles, but not the rain. Oh, well, this is Oregon.