Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Getting There

Well, we are almost to 37 weeks now. I have another appointment with my doctor this morning so we'll see how things are progressing. Last week's visit reaped nothing interesting except that I am starting contractions now and then.

I had another ultrasound to check Eden's size and she looks perfect! We're still going to try for the VBAC. I am nervous about the birth, but I know she will come out one way or another! I just hope it doesn't take 28 hours this time!

Heath is in his fourth of six weeks of the PSP Program and loving it. He is also working on expanding our backyard so every night this week he's been out until dark 'tilling up the dirt, getting rid of the blackberry roots. It'll be fun having more room back there for the kids to play.

Zion is now a toddler! He doesn't crawl at all anymore. His understanding of speech picks up more everyday too. This morning he made the "moo" sound for a cow when we were reading a book. So cute! He is such a delight--a true crown on our head.

So there is a quick peek into our life. I'll post more about Eden when we have more details!